Archived ReleaseNotes for cjCues


BETA RELEASE 2.5.6(v Released October 30, 2017 Will expire on February 1, 2018.

[Compatible with EOS Family Software 2.5.1, 2.6.0, & 2.6.1]


FIX: Cleaned up About page.

FIX: Fixed Scene labels longer than one line in navdrawer.

FIX: When cue list empty, not loading new cues correctly. Also not displaying command line.

ADD: Added Menu options to get to cjCues PRO and cjFocus.

CHANGE: Cleaned up Scenes in NavDrawer.

CHANGE: Drastically speed up changing Screen Orientation changes. Does not drop connection.

CHANGE: Internal change to how cue enableing (grey or white) and setEOSvars works.

CHANGE: Updated SendLog Error Crash Dialog

CHANGE: In SM mode, only longest time and follow hangs are displayed. (Text also bigger).

BETA RELEASE 2.5.4(v Released October 16, 2017 Will expire on February 1, 2018.

[Compatible with EOS Family Software 2.5.1, 2.6.0, & 2.6.1]


FIX: Random ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception that was causing crashes has been fixed.

FIX: Displays all proper flags when flags are in multiple parts.

FIX: cjCues was not responding properly when a part cue was created or deleted.

FIX: If last cue was a part cue, would not display flags correctly.

ADD: Added Assert & Disabled Mark flags, as well as text for all other cue states.

ADD: Added Scenes to Navigation Drawer (still rough GUI).

CHANGE: When adding a single cue, app now loads list faster.

CHANGE: Speed up displaying cues when loading full list.

BETA RELEASE 2.5.3(v Released September 17, 2017 Will expire on December 1, 2017.

[Compatible with EOS Family Software 2.5.1 & 2.6.0]

FIX: Compatibility with EOS 2.6!

FIX: Tablet Display in SM Mode, text is out of place.

ADD: Added 2 more buttons on Wear Notifications.


BETA RELEASE 2.5.1(v Released July 10, 2017 Will expire on December 1, 2017.

[Compatible with EOS Family Software 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.0, & 2.5.1]

FIX: Firebase bug fixes.

CHANGE: Internal Variable changes and cleaning.


BETA RELEASE 2.5.0 (v Released May 21, 2017. Will expire on September 1, 2017.

[Compatible with EOS Family Software 2.3.x, 2.4.x, and 2.5.0]

FIX: When installing app for first time, crashes when going to settings.

FIX: Colors not produced correctly in Android N (7.0 API 25).

ADD: Added "Request Location Permission" to Network Settings Drawer.

ADD: Added Experimental "Intermission" Dialog Box. E-Mail Developer for more details. Or to test this specific feature.

ADD: Added Cuelist Buttons to easily switch between Cuelists.

CHANGE: Complete Overhaul of connection engine.


BETA RELEASE 2.4.3(v Released May 16, 2017 Will expire on September 1, 2017.

[Compatible with EOS Family Software 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.0, & 2.5.1]

FIX: Settings bug/crash fixed!

FIX: Colors on Android N corrected.

CHANGE: Complete Overhaul on Connection Engine.


BETA RELEASE 2.4.2(v Released April 9, 2017 Will expire on September 1, 2017.

[Compatible with EOS Family Software 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.0, & 2.5.1]

MAJOR CHANGE: Split app into 3 flavors. BETA, SM_FREE, and PRO in preparation for Q3 2017 release. SM_FREE and PRO will be production apps. BETA will expire and beta users will transition to PRO.

FIX: Command line kept failing in Beta 82. Fixed in 86+

FIX: SM Mode broken in Beta 74. Fixed in 75+

FIX: Prevented sending unsubscribe osc commands after unnatural state B.

FIX: Saved Wifi/Console settings take long time to appear (in wild). Changed how NavDrawer updates.

FIX: When moving an active cue, wrong cue may display in some cases.

FIX: Sending a label command can sends separated strings (which EOS doesn't read).

FIX: EOS ignores set/label when on-screen keyboard is open. Worked around to pause sending command.

FIX: When displaying a part cue, the time displayed should be the longest of any of the times.

FIX: Gotocue OUT sends large number of OSC commands. App now handles this correctly.

FIX: Command line now properly displays lines where multiple colons exist (like times).

FIX: When only 2 cues were in stack and the 2nd cue was active, app previously crashed.

FIX: When no cue is active, there were some inefficiencies  in loading cues. Corrected!

ADD: If when connecting to wifi network, an authentication error occurs, notify the user. (Needs some work still)

ADD: Added dialog box on first open to welcome user.

ADD: Added checking for duplicate listeners (not tested).

ADD: Added "No active EOS user" to Command Line if that condition exists.

ADD: Added File size to "Send Log to Dev"

CHANGE: Changed name of cjCues to cjCues BETA.

CHANGE: Only BETA flavor will expire on expiration date. Production apps will never expire.

CHANGE: Removed "SM Mode" display from cjCues SM_FREE

CHANGE: Updated tons of Strings into String file.

CHANGE: When an active cue changes while loading cues, quickly find new cue.

CHANGE: Lots of text/wording changes. Too many to note here.

CHANGE: Made minor updates to LoopTime to make slightly more accurate.

CHANGE: Removed "last cue" option.

CHANGE: When app not connected, added checking for connection at least once per minute.

CHANGE: When a non-active cue changes use quick-load formula.

CHANGE: When a non-active cue changes, don't erase display. Just disable (grey it out.)

CHANGE: "Send Log to Dev" will not set a default app.

CHANGE: Any time a network error occurs in app, app now assumes EOS is unsubscribed.


BETA RELEASE 2.4.1 (v0.5.8.3) Released February 25, 2017.  Will expire on September 1, 2017.

[Compatible with EOS Family Software 2.3.x, 2.4.x, and 2.5.0]

FIX: Scene information and Show File name were not resetting when app reset.

FIX: When using multiple cue lists, only the last active cue is reported from EOS. (ETC has not fixed, using a work-around, until issue can be resolved from ETC)

FIX: Several handles did not check for cuelist number, causing crashes when two devices with different cue list were working together.

FIX: Cue list label dialog was stuck only displaying cue list 1.

FIX: Loading screen now displays correctly... when loading.

FIX: When deleting a cuelist and undoing, app was freezing. (in endless loop).

FIX: When only one cue was in cue stack, fast loading caused error.

FIX: When changing screen orientation lots of unnecessary activity. Made faster.

ADD: When OSC is disabled (and is shown on command line) app now responds immediately.

CHANGE: cjCues will no longer ask for passwords if android has password saved. Also app will no longer create new saved wifi networks every time the app connects.

CHANGE: Reworked Terminal.START/END/etc. Terminal. Added Silent START/END option.

CHANGE: Stopped calling for macro info after it is received.

CHANGE: Pushed more all methods through getEOSinfo to standardize how related variables are set.

CHANGE: If not connected to a network, "ADD NEW EOS CONSOLE" should be visible on screen if list is too long to see.


BETA RELEASE 2.4.0 (v0.5.7.13) Released February 1, 2017.  Will expire on August 1, 2017.

UPDATED: for use with EOS 2.5

FIX: "Receiver not registered" error fixed!

FIX: Fixed Command line when in patch.

FIX: When app is in SM or LD mode, go/back buttons should be removed from Notifications. (Thanks TJ)

FIX: In Add wifi, using a bluetooth keyboard, can't add more than one period.

FIX: with EOS 2.5 Scenes weren't loading properly. Coding errors. (Accidentally hard coded 2.4 instead of all future versions).

FIX: In tablet landscape mode, SM Mode bottom margin weird.

FIX: Wear minor fixes to include in Wear store and compatibility with Wear 2.0.

FIX: Fixed issue that would say console not available even when showing them as available.

FIX: When adding a cue at the end of the cue stack, app loading entire cue stack instead of just the new cues.

FIX: 7" Tablet fix for oversized texted.

ADD: Added ability to change macro numbers in settings. Also added 3rd macro button on wear.

ADD: CurQ Progress bar now stops when a "stop" command comes in.

ADD: Show Mode, that non aggresively queries EOS. (wifi part of show mode soon to come)

ADD: Ability to fire go and stop/back when app is loading. Also buttons disable when not available.

ADD: Ability for app to know and prioritize multiple devices running cjCues.

ADD: Added Dialog box to easily change users.

CHANGE: Changed how app loads eos osc information in preperation of implentation of Show Mode.

CHANGE: Pulled out method for deciphering ETC EOS OSC numbers from OSC.

CHANGE: Slightly updated when notifications are updated.

CHANGE: Updated Firebase method to accept variable number of strings.

CHANGE: Updated icons on Wear app notifications.

CHANGE: Pulled OSCStream features out of main app into independant class in cjLights Master Library.

CHANGE: Cleaned up switching orientation.

CHANGE: If app knows other cjCues devices are on the network, it does not unsubscribe when closing.

CHANGE: Updated eosCueList method to be more reliable by using multiple character dividers.


BETA RELEASE 2.3.4 (v0.5.7.7) Released December 8, 2016. Will expire on April 1, 2017

FIX: Endless loading loop.

FIX: Sending too many firebase messages.

FIX: Cue progress Bar not resetting when cue is running and new cue is executed.

FIX: When preloading cues, Next/Last show parts instead of Next/Last actual cue.

FIX: PASSWORDS! Really this time. They save and can be reliably recalled.

FIX: Labels (cues and scene) were not working. Had to remove /user/0/ from set commands

FIX: When last cue active and loading cues, not displaying prev or next cue. (removing previous cue option soon)

FIX: Scenes in portrait mode need to be textAlignment center for when they wrap.

FIX: Wear app crashing when "#" in Scene Label. Fixed DIV in DisplayQinfo class.

ADD: Added new Asst. LD (ALD) mode.

ADD: Now displays app mode.

ADD: Firebase will log when Wear App is connected.

ADD: Firebase will not log debug versions.

ADD: Added ability to change scene label.

ADD: Added scene views in portrait layout

ADD: Long pressing back, triggers a gotocue command instead of /fire (this let's users back through an follow of zero)

ADD: Added Second Command line on Tablet and options to remove and set user in preferences/settings.

CHANGE: Converted Small device portrait mode and tablet portrait mode to new Constraint Layout.

CHANGE: Removed "Next Cue" & "Previous Cue" labels when not with a cue.

CHANGE: Removed text for Block, Marks and Part Cues.

CHANGE: Cleaned up dimension files.

CHANGE: Moved Connection engine and related variables into library for use with other cjlight apps.

CHANGE: Converted cjlights library from plain java library to super android library.

CHANGE: Adjusted all modes.

CHANGE: Removed some elements in Navigation Drawer on smaller displays

CHANGE: Organized Preferences/Setting. Cleaned up Dev mode.

CHANGE: In SM mode, Part cues do not display in Nav Display.

CHANGE: When app connects but does not get a response, a dialog box appears with further directions.


BETA RELEASE 2.3.3 (v0.5.7.0) Released November 24, 2016. Will expire on July 1, 2017.

FIX: If a cue is executed while loading cues, display now displays correct current, previous and pending cue.

FIX: On Wear app, time is cut off in Round Layouts with Chin.

FIX: Gave app option to have shorter text in Wear App.

FIX: When pressing a network that is connected, in some cases a "network out of range" error would display.

FIX: Only displaying current cue when loading, not next or previous.

FIX: Made "Go"/"Enter" Button in network work correctly.

ADD: Added sending information from Wear App to cjCues.

ADD: Added fading text animation to wear app.

ADD: Mark and block symbols to tablet landscape.

ADD: Added graphic on Wear to show when app is disconnected.

ADD: In ME mode, long pressing in Wear app fires cue.

CHANGE: Lowered minimum api level to 19 (4.4) to include more devices..

CHANGE: Made fix to logcat for duplicate entries.

CHANGE: Updated Tablet Landscape and Regular Portrait XML with Constrained Layout.

CHANGE: When App is not connected display should not be stuck on.


BETA RELEASE 2.3.2 (v0.5.5.8) Released September 17, 2016. Will expire on January 1, 2017.

FIX: When app starts and wifi is off, turning wifi on internally doesn't connect properly.

FIX: When returning to screen from background, display was disabled all the time.

FIX: When two part cues were back to back in active/pending, app was skipping pending cue and causing scenes to display improperly.

ADD: Slow down sending osc cue requests if not receiving fast enough.

CHANGE: Short press on resync cues reloads cues, long press restarts connection to EOS.

CHANGE: Updated/ optimized Wear layout for round dsiplay.


BETA RELEASE 2.3.1 (v0.5.5.6) Released September 8, 2016

FIX: Scenes were causing errors when checking for version and when displaying on Landscape Tablet mode.

FIX: (minor) When app started, Terminals were not displaying data.

FIX: (minor) Deleting all cues or cue lists was causing display to show "R - Requesting Info" instead of "E - Empty Cue Stack".

ADD: Added Firebase Analytics

ADD: Added ability to read /eos/out/pending to help check commands after "move-to" in which EOS behavior is weird.

CHANGE: When ping-ing console, after 5 successful pings (1 minute each) only send pings every 5 minutes, then every 30 (to not spam console if app was left open at the end of the night)

CHANGE: Reduced osc subscribe requests dramatically to be more in line with ping requests.


BETA RELEASE 2.3.0 (v0.5.5.0) Released August 28, 2016

FIX: When wifi is on, but not connected to a network, app now initializes properly.

FIX: Android M and later require apps to ask user for permissions. Made app ask for permissions.

FIX: When opening new showfile, display went into awkward state. Fixed!

FIX: Moving a cue was broken. Didn't load new cue.

FIX: Fixed spamming of ping osc messages.

FIX: Fixed changing ip addresses everytime restart is called.

FIX: Fixed adding multiple networks everytime app fails to connect.

FIX: EOS 2.4. App is displaying 0 time instead of nothing. 

FIX: When deleting a cuelist, app was losing connection/closing connection. Wasn't deleting cues properly. Reworked delete cue engine.

FIX: Labeling a part cue results in base cue being labeled instead.

FIX: When erasing a cue list, cue list display doesn't update.

FIX: Version display was popping up too much instead of just the first time you open the app.

FIX: Stabilized connection engine more. When disconnected consistently opens Network Nav Drawer.

FIX: Saving to developer log saves multiple instances, making file hard to read.

FIX: When firing a cue with no intensity changes it's freaking out the Cue progress bar. In this case, Progress Bar should be disabled.

FIX: Prevented Current Q progress bar from ever going backwards.

ADD: Navigation Drawer improvements.

ADD: App now scans for other wifi networks, and uses that data accordingly.

ADD: App now has a dialog box to change networks, complete with ability to select available networks and enter password.

ADD: Added dialog box to change label of cuelist.

ADD: Wear app now shows terminal information on regular and ambient screens.

ADD: Wear app now has ability to vibrate when cues are executed and when complete. (OFF BY DEFAULT)

ADD: Added Scene markers from EOS 2.4 on Landscape Tablets only (for now).

ADD: Added minor changes to Log/Terminal send to dev.

ADD: Saving passwords and recall in Network dialog box.

ADD: If changing networks or ip addressed and all the information is present, change without opening dialog box.

ADD: Added request for storage permission at top of app to be able to save LOGCAT.

ADD: Added request for storage permission (as needed) in CRASH Dialog box.

CHANGE: Navigation drawer opens automatically when app starts, and closes once cues are loaded (after 3 seconds).

CHANGE: Added an engine for checking connections. (cjConnect)

CHANGE: No need to leave the app to turn on wifi.

CHANGE: In nav drawer, network highlights red if it is not connected.

CHANGE: Cleaned up "server" by updating ShowName and CueListDisplay on runUIThread.

CHANGE: If app reaches any of the 5 minute limits, but app is in Settings, time is added (1 minute for wifi, 2 min for OSC connection)

CHANGE: Cleaned up Fail messages, made consistent around app.

BETA RELEASE 2.2 (v [13])


NOTE: This version will expire on October 1, 2016.

FIX: In Navigation Drawer, selecting a Network picked the non-reversed network.

FIX: Fixed Dialog boxes opening and closing correctly.

FIX: When starting program with wifi off, after turning wifi on, app now initilizes properly.

FIX: Reading multiple strings in an OSC argument (needed in EOS 2.4) fixed.

FIX: In navigation drawer, the active cue is now always displayed.

ADD: Displays device name in terminal for troubleshooting purposes.

ADD: Ability for app to save IP addresses for the same network name. App will also continue to try multiple saved ip addresses if the first does not connect.

ADD: Long pressing ip addresses deletes them from list.

ADD: Pressing on cue numbers in display brings up label dialog.

CHANGE: Networks are only saved in file if they connect successfully.

CHANGE: Updated GUI for Settings in Navigation Drawer


RELEASED June 12, 2016

USER INterface: displays & cue lists

NOTE: This will be the first version available in the Google Play Store under the open beta. You may need to uninstall any old versions before installing Beta 2.0.

NOTE: This version will expire on October 1, 2016.

FEATURE ADD: Navigation Drawer with lots of features. When cues not loaded nav drawer shows all saved Networks/IP addresses. Once cues are loaded shows all cues.

FEATURE ADD: Multiple Cue List. Change the cue list the app reads in settings.

FEATURE ADD: Added Command line (in ME mode) that shows Command Line of console.

FIX: Buttons (Notes, Label) wrapping weirdly on smaller devices. Changed buttons to text only to help fit. (Thanks T.J.)

FIX: Once connection has failed, app should attempt to re-establish connection after a certain time.

FIX: Long cue times not displaying properly.

FIX: Master Reset (Resync Cues) not fully resetting connection.

FIX: Notes doesn't display the number of notes when opening the app, only when adding new notes.

FIX: When Cue numbers or text is too big, doesn't scale down to fit screen.

FIX: On master reste (resync cues) reset all progress bars.

FIX: When in cue 0, active cue should display S - Start of Cue Stack.

FIX: When deleting a cue, display freaks out.... make it stop please.

FIX: When some OSC messages are sent before processing is complete, app can crash based on getting two sets of data at one time. Make sure app only reads one OSC message at a time.

FIX: QSTACK_DELETE_SUBHANDLE tried to manipulate views and threw an exception. Make that stop.

FIX: Notifications being generated too frequently when reading cues from EOS. Also, notifications being generated when notifications are turned off.

FIX: When reading show name OSC command, nothing should happen if show name hasn't changed.

FIX: Ignore unused OSC commands (i.e. wheel, etc.)

FIX: Screen will now stay on when previously selected to do so.

FIX: Bug fixes on Cue lists reading.

FIX: When no cues exist command line is weird. Fixed! (Accept for when entering multiple ":" in label.)

FIX: When no cues exist, and user adds a cue, app does not add cues into stack.

FIX: Cuelist are now removed when appropriate.

FIX: Cue list loading now smoothed over.

FIX: Cue Lists were not being deleted in memory.

FIX: Fixed duplicate reading of OSC messages. Including multiple listens and actual duplicate messages.

CHANGE: Changed some alerts to "Toast" alert only. (i.e. "Cues not loaded yet")

CHANGE: Pressing "Enter" in most dialog boxes (i.e. Label, GotoCue, Notes) closes the dialog box. (Thanks MRD).

CHANGE: Fixed Dialog boxes to make those variables, global in scope.

CHANGE: When in cue 0, notification should display "no cues active".

CHANGE: Rework handleLoopTime.

CHANGE: When adding a cue (via notify) should only request and load from that cue forward.

CHANGE: Version information dialog box automatically closes once cues are loaded.

CHANGE: Always display cue list number in landscape mode.

CHANGE: When a notification is sent from EOS to a cue or cuelist, but no change is required, app responds appropriately
(by not reloading the cue or cuelist)

ADD: About/Credits page.

ADD: In Navigation Drawer, Long press on a cue in LD mode, opens label dialog. In ME mode, executes that cue. In SM mode, does nothing.

ADD: When no cues in stack, display E - empty cue stack

ADD: When Cues are loading, display changes to L - Loading instead of staying E - Empty.

ADD: Display cue list label in landscape mode.

ADD: Close Version dialog box in either 10 seconds or after all cues are loaded, whichever comes first.

ADD: Added compatibility with EOS 2.4 (currently in beta). Not yet fully tested.

ADD: App should subscribe to changes if no cues exist in cue list.

ADD: Change color of command line depending on LIVE/BlIND.




NOTE: When updating from Beta Release 1.0, you will need to uninstall Beta 1.0 before installing Beta 1.2.

FEATURE ADD: cjCues Wear App now in alpha. More information available in Beta section.

FIX: Negative hang times didn't display. Note: Zero hang times still will not display in EOS 2.3.x due to a bug in EOS. Planned for correction in 2.4.x

FIX: In tablet mode, bookends of cue list displaying old verbiage. Change to "S" for start and "F" for finish/end. (E is weird)

FIX: Note and Label dialog boxes text was weird. (Semicolons in weird places).

FIX: GoToCue dialog won't let user go to cue zero.

FIX: Error catcher entering unnatural state, when no unnatural state exists (after OSCReadStream).

FIX: When switching between modes, failed phantom messages appear. Stop that.

FIX: When switching orientations, display show title immediately.

FIX: If App is having problems connecting, needs to display information to user. (ultimately will respond, but identifying issue is step 1). (i.e. Closed Channel Exception, etc.) 

FIX: If app closes connection, need to shut sending and receiving and display information to user. (from Async)

FIX: Long press in notes, should save notes before moving to next note.

FIX: When deleting more than one cue, progress bar is not displaying correctly.

FIX: If no notes exist, pop-up message should notify user and prevent e-mail dialog.

FIX: On initial opening of app, if no network connection.... Terminal stays with default message instead of displaying "no connection" message.

FIX: Moving a cue is causing app to crash internally and reset.

FIX: When part cue is active, app skips next cue in display and playback.

FIX: Internal: before running cue checker, app should wait and make sure it is not receiving OSC messages.

CHANGE: When loading cues, get active cue first and display active cue as soon as that cues data is loaded.

CHANGE: Reworked User Terminal, to make some messages fade away after set time. (CUES SYNC'D" should not persist). Also added some "verbage" to be more clear about what the app is doing. (i.e. after failed response).

CHANGE: Implemented new methods for when changing orientation to better manage app behavior.

CHANGE: App should default to ME mode for BETA.

ADD: Compares EOS version numbers and gives one-time warning about issues in older versions.

ADD: New Preferences option to reverse volume keys in dialog boxes.

ADD: New text to explain how to use next/prev in dialog boxes. (still clunky, will be reworked in future version.

ADD: When in Goto Cue dialog, pressing Enter or Spacebar on a bluetooth keyboard should fire the displayed cue, and advance to the cue after the one that was displayed.

ADD: Grey out cue display when cues aren't fully loaded.

ADD: Implement and respond to additional console events. (Show saved, show loaded, etc) Pg 2 of EOS Integration.




FIX: When wifi is on but not connected to a network, app is crashing.

FIX: Display in Tablets in Portrait mode is gross. 

FIX: Verbiage of dialog boxes corrected to indicate actual actions. 

FIX: Screen not staying on when set to do so in preferences.

FIX: Enter/Go buttons of keyboard don't execute commands.

FIX: Hardware keyboard (including bluetooth keyboards) don't work.

FIX: In some conditions, notes show up in e-mail when there are no notes.

CHANGE: In Notes, long press should take you to next/Previous note then go to top/bottom of cue stack after proceeding through all notes.

CHANGE: Clean up all displays. Get rid of old code, and graphic assets.

CHANGE: Developer Mode password protected.

CHANGE: Verbiage of User Terminal, specifically... "Cues Sycn'd vs. Loaded"

CHANGE: Verbiage of Cue Stack beginning and ending from "Start/End" to "S / E"

ADD: Warning shown as beta is about to expire.

ADD: Use volume buttons to move through cue list where appropriate.

ADD: App resets if gets stuck while loading.

ADD: If app goes into crash state multiple times, asks user to send information to developer.

ADD: GotoCue Menu item

ADD: Add different modes: Master Electrician (everything), Designer (no sending osc), Stage Manager (view cues Only)

ADD: Long press in Label and GotoCue dialog boxes goto end/start of cue list respectively.

ADD: Add Back Button on device.




MAJOR CHANGE: Must use OSC 1.0 Specification.

FIX: App not saving console IP address

FIX: When one show is loaded, loading another show keeps data from original show. 

FIX: When reloading app, network settings are causing app to crash. 

FIX: When Cue numbers are long, messing up display. 

FIX: Part cues not displaying correctly. 

FIX: Part cues messing up app cue stack when pressing Go in app. 

FIX: Complete reworking of OSC networking. Dedicated TCP connection, dedicated port to EOS, etc. FIX: Users report general ugliness on Samsung Galaxy S6s. Revamped displays. 

FIX: Revamped all device displays. FIX: Not immediately saving network settings. FIX: Some wording in Preferences was incorrect, worded poorly.

CHANGE: If Wear notifications are off, notification only appears while the app is not in foreground.

CHANGE: Turn off Android Wear notifications and Device Notifications separately (note: Wear notifications force basic app notifications, but we've reduced the priority of notifications to the bottom of the notification list when device notifications are turned off.)

CHANGE: Send OSC option moved into Menu.

CHANGE: Removed non needed items, old settings box, etc.

ADD: In Label and Notes Dialog, entering a cue that doesn't exist turns cue number red and disables edit box.

ADD: Resync Button in Menu. ADD: Display Current/Active cue note on bigger displays.




FIX: Changing labels could cause program to crash.

FIX: Clean up  Tablet and Phone Display (big overhaul planned for 0.5.3)

FIX: Close app if not attached to network after 5 minutes.

FIX: Notes dialog box need to display label.

FIX: If cues are deleted while loading, should immediately recognize that and start reloading.

FIX: Display color and size updates.

CHANGE: Notes should save when pressing next or previous button.

CHANGE: Show notification as soon as app begins so Magic wear buttons are available.

CHANGE: Recode entire handler process (method of bringing OSC commands into the app)

CHANGE: No sending toast messages before program is initialized.

CHANGE: No sending Toast messages when app not in focus.

FIX/ADD: App did not respect linked cues. Now it does, but can be turned off in preferences (default is on).

ADD: Added next/previous buttons to label and note dialog

ADD: Splash Screen

ADD: If no longer connected to wifi, close notifications.

ADD: Option for Screen to stay on in preferences.




FIX: When cue stack has 1 cue, deleting that cue crashes program

FIX: When deleting a huge cue stack but not all cues, program freaks out

FIX: When moving a cue, app does weird stuff.

FIX: Crashes when adding cues at the beginning of cue stack.

FIX: Deleting a cue did not update display.

CHANGE: Query EOS system less often.